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Theoretically, A Paranoid Conspirational

Basic Sociology for Members of the Entertainment Industry

If you work as an Entertaiment Industry Liaison or you are a Member of the Entertainment Industry, (producer, distributor, manager, agent, publicist, CEO, journalist, performer, director, writer, etc)., you work is probably great. Wouldn't you like it to have your work become awesome? If this is your case, basic sociological knowledge may be of very effective help to you!  The sociological notions synthesize verified experiences in a way that make them easily understandable. Many times it is not possible to address a social issue properly due to lack of the appropiate vocabulary, concepts, and theoretical schemes that help to make sense and assess social phenomena. Two hours is enough time to learn the most basic and useful sociological viewpoints that provide a powerful frame of reference to your processing of information in the Entertainment Industry and social life in general. 


These lessons are imparted through informal conversations that use your personal experiences and interests to contextualize the sociological discourse imparted by your instructor.  You are already a programmed social being who has a specific taste and this fact is considered to develop the lesson.


Your instructor was ranked in the position #1 among his peers when he underwent undergraduate and graduate studies in Social Communication (which is a social science) at the oldest university in the American continet, the Main National University of San Marcos (located in Lima, Peru, and established in May 12, 1551). He also underwent a doctoral program in Art History, devoting his thesis to the study of film style in an artisnal movie.


If your body is the hardware, a basic sociological lesson is a new software that will increase your analysis capacity,  refining your decision making process and allowing you to reach new levels of success, the kind that we all admire.


Jorge L. Villacorta




Basic subjects we can develop to achieve a fast understanding of social taste from a sociological perspective:


1. Taste and social position. 

- Social position and social function. Affirmation and negation of function according to the social position.

- Kinds of capital: economic, cultural, social, symbolic.

- Legitimate taste.  


2. Sociology of art.

- The field of production and the field of consumption.

- How is style defined? Style is a relational concept.

- Altering the rules without stopping the game.  

- Film as art, movies as entertainment.


Hourly rate: $33.00.  1 Student.

Instructor: Jorge L. Villacorta.

Tool of communication: Zoom, Skype, or Google Meetings.

Method of payment: PayPal.

Contact:  / Phone: 51 1 4514334.

Schedule: To be coordinated with the student.

Style of offering: The lessons would be online. Informal conversations that develop the subjects considering the students needs. 

Cognitive goal: Two hours would be enough to understand tastes and art from a sociological perspective.​



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